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Kathy Andrews

Bondage Classics


Frequently Asked Questions

After purchase of your books, the book codes will be in green until you download them and then they turn blue on "your books and info" page.

Just save the books to a file folder on your hard drive.

No download codes...just click and save!

To read the book after it is saved...just double click the book and it will activate it so from then on it will open in MsReader (.lit) or in Adobe Reader (pdf).


Q: What is the cost of membership?  

A: There is no membership to  You join so we can store your books in your personal library in case your computer crashes, you need to download your books another time or you do not want to store your books on your computer and would like to just read your books on line.


Q: What is my password for customers that are migrating from the old site?

A: Your initial password is "readmagic".   You will be prompted to create your own password.


Q: How do I pay?

A: We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover processed through a secure website.  Your receipt will read GT-RMBooks18888890788.


Q: What credit cards do you accept?

A: We accept Visa, Mastercard ande Discover.


Q: What form do the books come in?

A: All our books have been available MSreader format (.lit), for downloading on your PC or Handheld. We have a few collector edition books available in paperback format.  RMBooks is currently converting all the books into Adobe (pdf) format as Microsoft has decided not to have their reader available to it's new windows format starting with Windows 7 and also Adobe can be read by Mac users as well.


Q: When do I receive my Books?

A: Once you complete the payment process your books will be available for download from your personal member page. You may save them to your personal computer.  You can set up a folder in a secure area and download to that folder every time.


Q: How do I download my books?

A: From your personal member page, you will select the book you would like to download.


Q: How do I receive my free books?

A: Your free title availability will be any book you choose upon your return to and after your purchase of 3 in one order.  Purchase3 books and on your next visit you will have a free title of your choice.


Q: Do you share my personal information with other vendors or mailing list?

A: completely respects your privacy. We do not share or sell any of our member's personal information.

Q: Is my credit card information secure?

A; Yes, all credit card information is private and secure on the credit card processor website. RMBooks conforms with all the latest PCI compliance regulations.



Q: Is there a mailing list for updates and new book postings?

A: Yes. As a member of you will be notified by e-mail of upcoming events and features. When you join just make sure the box is checked YES that you would like to have updates.

Q: Is there a cost for the Your Erotica Source (YES)'s official newsletter?

Q: Is there a cost for the Your Erotica Source (YES)'s official newsletter?

A: No. As a member, you receive the newsletter at no charge.